Impact of Innovation and Digital Disruption


Digital Disruption

In our technologically networked world, we are now connected more primarily and widely through different uses of digital platforms.

Thanks to the internet and its many uses, the competition is fiercer than ever and the need to stand out, to be different and to offer something that nobody else does is more crucial than ever.

Sadly, a lot of the time, somebody has had the same business idea as us and have already put it into practise. But this doesn’t mean we can’t redefine it and use it to excel in its own league.

In order to be successful and different in the business industry’s current state means we have to find new ways of doing business and put forward innovative ideas that truly set us apart. This means implementing a break-through strategy and continuing to drive it.

With shifts in technology and its advancements, undoubtedly comes a change in human interaction and consumer behaviour. A vital part of today’s success is properly understanding these fast-changing trends and redefining our business to make sure it keeps up.

We can be as motivated and diligent with our work as anyone, but if our ideas are not new and ground breaking, we will be slumped in with the rest and our business will not grow. It’s not new knowledge that in order for people to choose our services over our competitors, we ultimately have a better option than our competitors.

It is important to remember that innovation and disruption, although technically different key practise areas, are to be used in coexistence. Innovation is improving something that is already successful and disruption is bringing something new to the table.

Uber is a prime example of a company that has done this well. Let us break it down for you –

Taxis were a commonly used and widely known form of transport. Uber completely disrupted the industry and redefined the way we see transport services. Uber is notorious for being cheaper, quicker, easier and easily accessible at customer’s fingertips.

Uber made use of a mobile app in a way that Taxi companies didn’t and they quickly started to lag behind as a result.

Similarly, Airbnb broke through the hotel business by creating something that was personal, quick and socially current.

With a vast range of accommodations, photographs, personal reviews and a mobile-friendly app, Airbnb has quickly become a popular and pioneering travel site, with consistent updates and thousands of users.

These examples of disruptive business ideas show how crucial it is to change the way in which we engage and communicate with our clients so that we are perceived as being a different service.

If you have an idea that you think could shake up the market – step back and think about it broadly.

How is this different?

Has it been done before?

How can you redefine the idea to be disruptive?

What are the key areas of this business that will drive it to success?

Innovative disruption is required in order to thrive in today’s digital world and at the end of the day, how our business impacts our customers, clients and consumers is the most important part to consider in its development.

Remember – our audiences are online, active and looking. Target them, reshape your business to digitally attract them and gratify their needs.

Want to know more about digital disruption and take advantage?

Join Prabin Gautam at the workshop ‘Disrupt or be disrupted’ on July 27, 2017 in Melbourne to be prepared for the next big change in your business sector. Or learn how to be the one who disrupts the industry with your original business idea or strategy. For more information on the event, click here.